Area News
Maple Soldier Farms Family

Maple Soldier Farms - Supporting Local Farms

Maple syrup is in season. Maple syrup is the first farm crop to be harvested in Michigan each year, usually beginning in February and extends into April.

A few facts about Maple Syrup production here in Michigan according to Michigan

  • Maple syrup production is the oldest agricultural enterprise in the U.S.
  • Michigan ranks seventh in maple syrup production in the U.S.
  • Forty gallons of maple sap are needed to make one gallon of syrup.
  • Average maple syrup production in Michigan is about 90,000 gallons per year.
  • Maple syrup is one of the few agricultural crops in which demand exceeds supply.

Maple Soldier Farms is a maple syrup farm in Sunfield, Michigan owned by Veteran Tim Lane and his family – Karen, Josie, Trystan and their dog Bella.

After serving in the Army for 13 years, which included 3 deployments, Tim had a rough go in the civilian workforce, and had lost his job. While at home pondering the next steps in life, his wife, Karen had suggested that he try making maple syrup.

Tim and a couple veterans got together and decided to give it a go. They soon realized that along with making maple syrup, they were able to create a community where veterans could talk about their experiences and struggles. 

Slowly the community grew, and the maple syrup production went from 25 taps to 500 taps, with a goal of 1000 taps.

Best of all, every year, Maple Solider Farms tries to assist at least one veteran in need or donate to another veteran organization to keep paying it forward.

April 1st is their annual open-house from 10 AM to 4 PM.  Pancakes and sausage will be served in the morning and the wonderful cook will have a savory treat in the afternoon. You can check out their event page on Facebook for more details!  

If you have a maple syrup business or are thinking about starting one, connect with our team. Our agency insures Maple Solider Farms, and has a strong understand of how to best protect your business.


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